6 Destressing Activities to Do After a Tiring Week

Written By: Katie Pierce

We all know the feeling of dragging ourselves through the work week, struggling to get out of bed each morning, and running on empty by the time Friday rolls around. By the time the weekend finally arrives, we're exhausted and just looking forward to collapsing on the couch and vegging out in front of the TV. But taking some time for yourself to relax and rejuvenate is important for both your physical and mental health. 

If you want to avoid the Sunday night blues and start your week off on the right foot, try out some of these de-stressing activities. From taking a hot bath or shower to spending time with your pets, there's an activity here for everyone!

6 Relaxing Activities to Do After a Long Week

1. Take a hot bath or shower

What could be more relaxing than soaking in a tub of hot water? The hot water helps to loosen tight muscles and ease tension headaches. It can also be very soothing to simply sit in silence and let the worries of the week melt away.

If you don't have time for a bath, a hot shower can also be very helpful in promoting relaxation. The steam from the hot water can help to clear your sinuses and open up your airways. And, of course, there's nothing quite like standing under a hot stream of water to wash away the stresses of the week.

2. Get out and enjoy the fresh air

One great way to enjoy the outdoors is to go for a walk or run in a park. Not only will you get some fresh air and Vitamin D, but you'll also get your heart rate up and get some exercise.

If you want something a little more low-key, try finding a spot in nature to just sit and take in the view. Listening to the sounds of birds chirping or water flowing can help to center yourself and ease anxiety. And if you're looking for something active but still relaxing, consider yoga or Tai Chi in an open space.

No matter what you choose to do, getting outside is a great way to de-stress and recharge after a long week.

3. Listen to calming music or nature sounds

Studies have shown that listening to relaxing music can help reduce stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. Nature sounds can also be very effective in promoting relaxation. They can help you feel more connected to the natural world and can even provide a sense of calm and peace.

So next time you're feeling stressed out, try putting on some calming music or nature sounds and see how you feel.

4. Make yourself a healthy meal or snack

We all know how it feels to be physically and mentally exhausted after a long week. You may feel like all you want to do is order takeout and veg out in front of the TV, but that isn't necessarily the best option for your health.

Instead, try making yourself a nutritious meal. It doesn't have to be anything complicated—a simple grilled chicken breast or salmon filet, some roasted veggies, or a fruit salad can all be healthy and satisfying options.

And if you're really not in the mood to cook, there are plenty of healthy snacks you can make with little to no effort, like hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, or a workable DIY trail mix. 

5. Watch a feel-good movie or read your favorite book

A fun movie is a perfect way to unwind and escape the stresses of everyday life. You can curl up on the couch with some popcorn and a cozy blanket, and let all your worries melt away.

If you're looking for something a little more low-key, curling up with your favorite book is always a good option. Whether you're reading a classic novel or a modern thriller, getting lost in a good book is a great way to forget your troubles and relax. 

6. Spend time with your pets

Pets offer us companionship, unconditional love, and a never-ending source of entertainment. After a long week of work or school, spending time with your furry (or not-so-furry) friends can be a great way to unwind and relax.

Take your dog for a walk, play fetch in the park, or just sit down and give them a good scratch behind the ears. If you have a cat, try playing with a string toy or chasing a laser pointer around the room.

Or, if you have an aquarium, spend some time watching your fish swim and play.

No matter what type of pet you have, taking some time to play with them is guaranteed to help you relax and forget about your stressors.


We hope that this list has given you some ideas for de-stressing activities that you can do after a long week. Everyone relaxes differently, so find what works best for you and stick with it. Because at the end of the day, we all need a little break from time to time.