Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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You're Not Perfect & Luckily, That's The Best Style Virtue To Have

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Could you imagine how boring it would be for a person to be absolutely perfect in their looks? From having the most technically symmetrical face to the most luscious hair to the most perfect skin to the best possible figure, that person could be nice of course, but they would ultimately be less interesting than what we might conventionally deem as beautiful.

Think of how Kate Moss popularized the slight gap of the front two teeth, some might call it a flaw, but many others saw the intrinsic beauty in having unique characteristics. It’s why some even place a slight beauty mark on their face when finishing their makeup - it’s a sign that a little dot of imperfection increases and enhances beauty over all.

So, if you’re not perfect, rejoice! That’s the best style virtue you could ever have. Let’s consider how to feel at home and even proud of your imperfections:

Consider Your Color Palette

Not everyone suits the same colors and shades. Rather than forcing trends that you just don’t feel that comfortable in, take time to examine which gradients truly flatter your skin's undertones, eye color and hair naturally. Or, you can throw out whatever “looks optimal” and wear what you like. Sometimes, a little clash can help add that imperfectional beauty we discussed above, such as a pale person wearing pale colors.

Maybe you just prefer simple garb. Or maybe muted, pastel shades help you feel your best this Spring. If you’ve felt limited before because certain colors never felt too applicable, now is your chance to bust out of that thinking..

Value Authenticity & How Styles Work For You

It's so easy to get swept up in every passing fashion and beauty trend. But rather than following fads blindly, take a step back and consider if a certain style truly vibes with your authentic personality, lifestyle and bodily proportions.

At the end of the day, looking and feeling like your truest self in outfits and makeup that flatter your individual taste and figure will always trump seeming generically on-trend yet uncomfortable. Moreover, it may give you the confidence to try styles you’re somewhat interested in. Imperfection gives you the freedom to try something new! What a wonderful alternative perspective to take rather than “staying in your lane.”

Balance Self-Acceptance & Self-Care/Improvement

Appreciating your quirks and idiosyncrasies is exponentially easier when you're also taking thoughtful steps toward caring for your overall wellbeing too.  In other words, you might still work out, but you can still love your figure even if it’s not perfect right now. Sometimes, self-acceptance can be more than a tangible end goal you’re trying to attain.

That's not to say you should neglect grooming routines, dentist care, skincare regimens and fitness practices that help you look and feel your best. Quite the opposite - loving yourself wholeheartedly often starts with daily practices of self-nurturing. So, balance this well, and you’ll avoid leaning too far in one direction over another.

With this advice, we hope you can celebrate your imperfections and look all the better because of it.