4 Easy Ways to Be More Active Every Day

We all know that exercising is vital to keep us healthy. But let’s be honest many of us hate the idea of hitting the gym. Working up a sweat in front of strangers isn’t everyone’s idea of fun. Plus, it can be tough to squeeze a fitness session into your busy day. If exercise fills you with dread, there are other ways you can be more active. 

Enjoying the health benefits of being more active doesn’t necessarily mean getting so hot and sweaty you need to shower afterward. Instead, there are other ways you can be a little more active. It’s much better to find ways to be more active that you don’t mind doing than doing nothing at all. 

When you’re trying to make space in your busy day to be more active, it’s vital you enjoy what you’re doing. It’s so much easier to stick with a new habit if you feel positive about it. So, how can you introduce more physical activity into your day and actually enjoy it? Here are some ideas to help inspire you:

Take a Walk

If you want to get active the easy way, all you need to do is to take a walk. Taking a walk may seem like a super easy activity, but it can make a big difference to your activity levels. Just walking for around 30 minutes most days can improve your overall health. This is so much easier for you to fit into your day than a gym session. But this really simple exercise can give your activity levels a huge boost, and best of all, no equipment is needed, and it’s totally free. 

If you have a dog or plan to welcome a new puppy to your home, this is a really easy way to boost your daily steps. Having a dog gives you an essential reason to go out walking every day, so it’s a really great incentive.

Other easy ways to introduce more walking to your day include taking the stairs instead of the elevator or heading outside for a walk during your lunch break. You’ll be surprised how much walking you fit into your normal routine by just making some small changes.

Get an Exercise Buddy

Walking into a fitness class alone can feel pretty intimidating. The same applies at the gym. It can be super hard to step right outside your comfort zone and put yourself ‘out there.’ This is especially true when you’re not sure what you’re doing, and it’s your first time. Getting an exercise buddy is a great way to give your courage a boost and to take the first step towards being more active. Turning up to an exercise class is so much less intimidating when you’ve got someone by your side. 

As well as helping to make trying new things less scary, having a buddy has another big advantage. Having a buddy can provide you with the motivation you need to keep going. Those times when you don’t feel like doing anything can be easily banished when you’ve got an exercise buddy. This is because having an exercise buddy makes everything a lot more fun. You’re much more likely to enjoy being active when you have someone to share the experience with. Being active becomes a kind of social meetup when you have someone to do it with. Plus, you will also be more likely to stick with exercising when you have a buddy. This is because their presence holds you accountable as you won’t want to let them down by not turning up.

Learn Something New

Many people have activities that they’ve always wanted to try but never get around to doing. Maybe you’ve always wanted to salsa dance, or take up surfing, or learn how to scuba dive. Pushing yourself to give these interests a try is a great way to be more active. 

Trying new things and learning new skills is beneficial in so many ways. It can give your wellbeing a boost, help you to meet new people, and improve your confidence. The physical benefits of being more active are the cherry on top. 

You may need to try a few different new activities before you find one that you love. That’s fine, as you will be keeping yourself active in the process. But once you do find that interest that you enjoy, it becomes so much easier to keep yourself active. Feeling like you’re building new skills, practicing, and improving until you start to master your new interest will keep you active without you even noticing it. 

Add Exercise to Everyday Tasks

Everyday tasks can become exercise without you even trying. Household chores can provide a really great workout in themselves. All that vacuuming, sweeping, polishing, and general moving around can burn calories without a visit to the gym. Likewise, getting out into your backyard and doing some gardening is also great exercise. It may not seem like it, but it can really help to give you an active boost when you’re moving around the yard, weeding, pruning, and digging. Plus, you will have the added bonus of topping up your vitamin D levels and getting plenty of fresh air in the process.

Exercising more regularly doesn’t need to be complicated. You can introduce plenty of active time into your daily routine. You will still reap all the benefits this brings without forcing yourself to stick with a grueling workout routine. Why not give it a try?

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