4 Facts to Know About Laser Hair Removal Treatment Before Getting One

Fuzzy like a rabbit or smooth like a baby? When presented with these two options, most people will go for the latter. To achieve this baby-smooth skin, you can either shave, wax, or tweeze out your body hair. This, incidentally, is only temporary because hair keeps growing out.

Technology has, however, made it possible to pursue alternative methods of getting rid of hair permanently! This technology is laser hair removal. 

It might surprise you to know that despite the popularity of laser hair removal, the bustling crowd of people who teem medical spas in vibrant cities such as Madison know little about what to do to make the most of the laser hair removal treatments. 

Due to the nature of this treatment, it is best to make appointments with dermatologists who are skin experts and will let you in on the dos and don'ts of laser hair removal. 

So, here are 4 things you should know about laser hair removal treatment:

  • Results need consistency

Before you begin to feel disappointed in your laser hair removal treatment, know that results might not be total in a session. The procedure does not instantly reward you with hairless skin. 

To prepare your mind for what lies ahead, experts in med spa madison wi, advise on the number of sessions you need to have within specific time frames to obtain optimal results. This can be as many as 8-12 times within 6 weeks. 

  • Does pigmentation matter?

Should you be worried about how your skin would love after getting laser hair removal treatment? Here's a quick breakdown:

  • The skin

You might have read that the laser hair removal treatment works by targeting pigments and you ask, is your skin and it's pigment safe when undergoing this procedure?

Yes, your skin is safe because the pigment the laser light locks in on is the pigment of the hair bulb in the hair follicle. 

It acts by converting the light beam from the laser to heat, which is subsequently absorbed by the pigment of the hair and ultimately destroys it. For dark skin, a specific laser apparatus is used to prevent skin damage since it also has copious amounts of melanin. 

Nevertheless, the skin is further protected by the installation of a fan that releases a blast of cool air to cool the skin, and prevent hyperpigmentation and blisters after each laser pulse. 

  • The hair pigment

Laser hair removal treatment does not work as efficiently on light-colored hair such as blonde, red and gray hair as it does on darker-colored hair. The darker the hair color, the better the result. 

The laser treatment technology has not been developed yet to improve outcomes for people with lighter hair colors

  • Pre - and post - session Routines

It is necessary to avoid sun exposure and hot showers before getting your laser treatment. This will help keep irritation and spots at bare due to bacterial proliferation. After the treatment, wear sunscreen. 

Any tan you might have should fade before you start the treatment. Surface shaving is also advised 24 hours before treatment to prevent hair burning on the skin. 

You should avoid scrubs before your laser treatment. However, topical hydrocortisone creams can offer relief after the treatment if the skin is irritated. 

  • Additional treatments and possible complications 

In rare cases, laser hair removal treatment is not effective and your hair grows back. In such cases, you will be advised to come back for additional treatment sessions but over more extended periods. 

Laser hair removal treatment is touted as a permanent hair removal solution. What has been reported in 90% of people who have undergone the treatment is a permanent reduction in hair growth. 

So, sometimes you may notice a lone hair strand growing out after all your sessions. There's no need to get more laser treatments when you can just tweeze it out. 

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Cover Photo Credit: Mel Poole on Unsplash