8 Disease Fighting Foods You Probably Didn't Know About

Sadly, many of us battle different health challenges throughout our lives. Others develop some conditions as life progresses, including kidney stones, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and even stress and anxiety.

But fortunately, nature has also provided us with certain foods that can help prevent or treat such diseases. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could consume an amazing dish for a few days only to discover that infection or allergy has completely disappeared? It may sound corny, but it's what it is.

Below are some scientifically proven foods (some pretty rare) that are super effective for treating certain ailments.


1. Fatty fish

You'd often find fatty fish listed among helpful foods to consume when battling several diseases, including skin issues. That's because it is very effective as a medicinal food source.

Fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, typically contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. One of the health concerns Omega-3 fatty acids help fight off is heart disease, as they help to lower blood fats and prevent blood clots.

Also, omega-3 acids can help you obtain glowing skin as they regulate skin's oil production, improve hydration, lower risk of skin cancer, and minimize signs of aging. These acids also soften dry, scaly skin and soothe irritation and dermatitis.

Additionally, Omega 3 fatty acids may also accelerate wound healing and hair growth.

As you can see, fatty fishes are an excellent add-on to any dish. Fire up your grill, lay down your salmon, and get ready for a hearty, healthy meal.


2. Mushrooms

One less commonly known but very powerful disease-fighting food is the Agaricus Blazei Murrill (ABM), the Mushroom of God, also known as brazilian mushrooms. This species of mushroom is native to Sao Paulo, Brazil, earning it its name. Attention was drawn to the plant when the locals were found to have less rate of common ailments associated with aging.

A Japanese researcher, Takatoshi Furumoto, traveled back to his country with the plant to study it intricately.

Soon after, many other scientists got wind of the Brazilian mushroom and passed it through several clinical tests. Many of these studies proved that Brazilian mushroom is effective for addressing the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis B

  • Stress

  • Fighting cancer

  • Addressing diabetes by improving insulin resistance

  • Alleviating Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease

  • Suppressing the side effects of chemotherapy

The plant is also traditionally believed to fight various health challenges, including cancer, allergy, and infections. Without a doubt, the Brazilian mushroom is one of the best disease-fighting foods around today.

Although Brazilian Mushrooms aren’t one of those foods you hear about every day, buying it online isn't in any way difficult. This makes a great and stylish addition to your diet if you want a taste of something new and immensely beneficial to your health.


3. Apricots

Apricots are tremendously effective in preventing kidney stones. One may suffer kidney stones when minerals become too concentrated in the urine. It may be because they don’t drink enough water often.

Conversely, apricots contain very small amounts of fiber, sodium, and potassium, which help to keep minerals from building up in urine.


4. Dairy

Dairy foods are highly nutritious, with remarkably high amounts of calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals, all of which work together to prevent and fight osteoporosis. The disease osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the bones become weakened such that fractures become imminent.

People who grow up with low calcium intake are particularly at risk of osteoporosis. Luckily, dairy contains just enough calcium to help such patients rebuild strong, healthy bones.

Notably, the US's 2005 dietary guidelines recommend three daily servings of low-fat dairy backed by weight training exercises to build strong bones.

However, not everyone has great tolerance for dairy. If you are one, other alternative sources of calcium like soy and broccoli will help.

Furthermore, dairy products are also particularly helpful in weight loss. Three servings of dairy can lead to a reduction in your calorie intake and reduce belly fat. In the same vein, dairy foods are also a notable recommendation to diabetic patients since they help control blood sugar levels.


5. Ginger tea

Countless studies have shown that ginger, in powdered and minced forms, is effective for easing nausea during travel sickness and pregnancy. Although researchers still haven't been able to identify which of the oil components in ginger tea does the work, they can confidently say it is safe and doesn't come with those side effects (drowsiness, dry mouth, etc.) associated with regular medications.


6. Berries

Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, name it; all of these berries are powerful antioxidants. Reach for a can of berries if you want to look youthful at 60. With a high concentration of Vitamin C and E, berries work to prevent excessive oxidation which can lead to damaged cells, cancer, heart diseases, and early signs of aging.

The color of berries is due to the presence of a pigment known as anthocyanin, an antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals (that lead to cell damage). Radicals are essential, but too much of them in your system become disastrous.

The most potent antioxidant is blueberries, followed by cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries.


7. Sweet potatoes

It's not every day you get to see something medicinal that's also sweet. Luckily, sweet potato is one of those rare medicines.

These luscious tubers boast a multitude of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, as well as phytochemicals, potassium, calcium, iron, and copper. These antioxidants help prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The fibers you find in sweet potatoes are essentially helpful in improving digestion. And lastly, it's as sweet as candy. Roast, fry, or cook a few tubers of sweet potato, and they don’t require any added spice to enjoy with your meal.


8. Dark, leafy greens

Another powerful disease-fighting food is dark, leafy greens. Spinach, dark lettuce, and kale are a few examples of dark, leafy greens. They contain high amounts of magnesium, antioxidants, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and several other vitamins and minerals.

If you're a salad lover, then you want to load your next dish with any dark, leafy green you can find.


A few foods named above are some rare disease-fighting foods you probably might not know about since they're not often talked about. Other common foods you should take note of and do your best to get a hold of include eggs, whole grains, tomatoes, legumes, nuts, and bananas.

This is a guest post. I appreciate everyone who contributes articles to glitzandglambytiff.com!!

Cover Photo: Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash