BioLift - What is it? How does it work?

Are you someone who drinks a ton of caffeine or coffee daily, but it leaves you not feeling the best? Are you looking for an alternative that won’t give you the crash after? BioLift may be for you!!!

What is BioLift? I’m sure you’re wondering…

It is an energy enhancing drink that is the first of its kind. Some key ingredients are: gurana, ginko biloba, elderberry, and carob. The Combo of these ingredients are said to give you sharper focus and concentration. BioLift stimulates and gives you energy naturally. I love that it has a light taste and is not overly sweet. While I was testing and sampling the drink, It kept me going all day while I was working. I didn’t have a crash or strange headache feeling that I have after drinking coffee sometimes. I drank BioLift during a busy work week to see how I would feel after and I felt great!! I was able to wake up with no problem and I didn’t feel sluggish or foggy.

I definitely recommend that you try Bio Lift if you are looking for a pick me up that coffee or traditional energy drink gives with out all the side effects or crash feeling. I personally gravitate to more clean and natural based products and I love that BioLift is out there changing the game when it comes to energy enhancing drinks.

Here’s more info on BioLift to check out and look into below…

Studies Reveal Effectiveness of BioLift™'s Innovative Approach to Cognitive Focus, Outperforms Conventional Beverage Options for Clean Performance Enhancement

Coffee is often considered ubiquitous in any productive workday. The increasing demand for energy is a global phenomenon that forces individuals worldwide to crave coffee and energy drinks to stay productive and focused for the day. Unfortunately, coffee simply can’t address the demand for more focus and enhanced cognitive ability—it can only make us feel awake. Israeli-based and Miami headquartered supplement and beverage innovation company, InnoBev has developed the perfect solution for this ever-growing global demand for focus.

BioLift™ is the first product in the market to utilize the science of Chronobiology, the study of how humans respond to the cycles of the sun and moon, to develop a functional beverage or nootropic that can allow the body to work with its body clock, instead of against it.

The human body clock runs on oscillations, or what’s commonly referred to as the circadian rhythm. Harnessing the short, repetitive, cycles of daily life, people can use chronobiology to optimize their alertness, peak functioning and even fatigue. InnoBev, through BioLift™, is showing people how to improve their lives by allowing them to live their best possible lives.

BioLift™ makes use of InnoBev’s patented botanical formula that promises up to 20% performance and focus enhancement within a span of just a few minutes. Moreover, it does so without dangerously raising heart rate, blood pressure, or even developing tolerance over time. After years of extensive clinical research, InnoBev developed a botanical solution to working in harmony with a person’s circadian rhythms that not only gives individuals a boost in focus throughout the day but is also high in antioxidants and prevents sleep loss

After years of clinical trials and testing led by Dr. Giora Pillar, MD, PhD., a highly respected and internationally recognized authority in Chronobiology and sleep, BioLift™ has consistently shown positive results, giving subjects clean focus and enhanced cognitive ability, without the overstimulating effects of caffeine, and the crash associated with sugary food and drinks.

BioLift™ is an incredibly simple product, with only four natural ingredients including Guarana, Ginkgo Biloba, Elderberry and Carob Extract, a natural, low-glycemic sweetener. BioLift™ is a scientifically-proven solution to the world’s excess demand for caffeine and energy drinks, that provides clean focus and health benefits, all while tasting delicious with the help of its low-glycemic sweetener, carob extract, making BioLift™ the first product in the market to use this natural sweetener. Moreover, BioLift™ neither increases pulse nor blood pressure. So unlike coffee or any energy drink, consumers can enjoy the immediate cognitive boost without having to compromise sleep.

About InnoBev and BioLift™

InnoBev is an Israeli dietary supplement brand headquartered in Miami, USA, that specializes in performance-enhancing beverages. The company was founded by award-winning food technology entrepreneur, Eli Faraaggi and is now bolstered by a skilled team of 7 consisting of food and beverage enterprise experts and a scientific board led by Dr. Giora Pillar, MD, Ph.D. It has patented several dietary formulas that are clinically proven to not only improve performance but also offer many health benefits. One of their most well-known formulations is the their unique botanical formula which promises consumers clean energy, focus and cognitive improvement, without raising their heartbeat, blood pressure, blood sugar, or developing chemical tolerance. BioLift™ is one of InnoBev’s new market offerings that utilize their unique, patented formulation, making it the drink poised to be the solution to the planet’s intense demand for focus, which is traditionally filled by coffee and energy drinks.

Thank you to Publicity For Good for sharing info on Biolift and allowing me to sample.