Dear Diary: Life right now is very interesting…

I haven’t done a diary post or any type of life and my thoughts lately, so I thought this would be a great time to do one.

The first month of quarantine I felt like I was thriving!!!! This month I am tired and unmotivated!!!! I’ve watched a ton of Netflix, Amazon Prime video and shows on TV this month and it has felt so good to just chill. I am the ultimate pusher of myself and I feel like I have kind of just pushed way to much and way too hard!! Because I am a creative I have felt like I still have to keep going regardless of what is happening around me and I am realizing that is not ok. We all need time to rest, re evaluate and re assess!! It’s ok to take your time and take a break. These are things I constantly have to tell myself, because honestly I don’t know what to do with myself sometimes when I am not working (confessions of a workaholic). Sometimes we all just work to stay busy, but in reality… nothing is actually getting done!!

I have always had this fear for a long time that if I go away from social media and blogging for too long that when I do decide to return that I will have to start over and all will be lost. I am an over thinker and I don’t think many people know that about me. I don’t like sharing my ideas with people usually either, because I never feel quite understood by many. I am just here spilling all of my inner secrets at this point…

Moving on…

I have been baking more and sharing more lifestyle type content lately on my other IG page @glamlifebytiff. Most people don’t know how much I really love food and that I know a lot about being in the kitchen. Stick with me kids… ;) Baking has become sort of like therapy for me and I have been obsessed with finding new recipes on Pinterest!!! I have looking for all of the vegan and more “healthy” recipes. Quarantine snacking is real!!! Pinterest has become my new hangout and it has been quite inspiring actually. I am currently re decorating my room and I am excited to share what I am doing in other posts coming up!! I ordered new furniture… it’s going to take a minuet to come in, but I will be sharing the process along the way. I have not been inspired to share fashion content, because honestly I’m not wearing regular clothes right now. I have been watching some fashion shows and other YouTube content, but I personally don’t feel led to share anything personally. Food and product posts have been more fun for me lately. So, that’s more of what you will be seeing from me here, until the world kind of gets back to “normal”. I’m not really sure what normal will even look like though… being in this sense of limbo is very unsettling, but at this point I am just going with the flow and keeping an open mind. That’s all really any of us can do.

Binge watching shows has become the move a lot more lately. Here are some things that I have watched recently on different platforms.

On Netflix



Never Have I Ever

Miss Americana - Taylor Swift

lots of movies… Too many to name

Amazon Prime

Making the Cut

A Different World

The Cosby Show

Disney Plus

That’s So Raven

Proud Family

Smart Guy

Tons of movies

Ok let’s bring this to a close…

Through out this pandemic I honestly don’t think that I have thought about so much and so many things in my life. My parents and I were talking the other day about how everything kind of just happened so quickly and there are still many unanswered questions about what is really happening. At the end of the day I think making sure that we are both mentally and physically healthy is more important than anything else. Get more sleep, eat more veggies, drink more water. Take your time to work on what makes you feel good and not think so much about the hustle and bustle of our lives. This reset that we have been given is low key a blessing in disguise. I have been thinking more smarter lately and not harder. I am taking more time to just keep things as simple as possible in my life. We often put so much pressure on ourselves to be these things and these people that the world outside love, but then when you look deep down you really don’t love yourself or really know who you are? Coming out of this time that we are currently in I want to continue to learn and get back to what’s most important to me and what makes me happy. My blog will continue to evolve as I do.

Thank you for reading!! :)