Happy National Pizza Day - Easy Pizza Recipe

Happy National Pizza day!!!

I don’t think that there are many people in the world that can say that they don’t like Pizza. It is a favorite all over the world and there is a whole day dedicated to celebrate!!! Here is a little history on how National Pizza Day started and I have included a fun recipe to try at home as well.

History of Pizza Day

You can say that Pizza Day started in the 10th century in Naples, Italy. This is when records first show the presence of pizza. It started out as a simple flatbread spread with sauce and sprinkled with cheese. I bet the women who most likely made this as a creative snack for their families had no idea the sensation that they had whipped up.

Drive around any American city and I am sure you will be able to find a pizza place on almost every corner. From the chains that boast a perfect pizza exactly like every other one made from any of their stores to the quaint mom and pop restaurants that share their family traditions with us year after year.

Pizza made its mark on America in 1905. In New York City, a pizzeria called Lombardi’s created the spark that would light hearts across the country from then until now – and with no conceivable end in sight! Amazingly, they are still in business! If you want to taste that first real pizza to hit American shores, head over to Little Italy in Manhattan and check them out.

Read more about the history here

Here is a pizza crust recipe that you can do at home and celebrate with on the official date Feb. 9th!!!

Artisan Pizza Crust





TO MAKE THE DOUGH: In the bowl of an electric stand mixer with paddle attachment, mix all ingredients together (except the extra flour reserved for shaping) until evenly combined. Scrape dough down into a ball in the bottom of bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 45 to 60 minutes, until doubled in size.

While the dough is rising, place pizza stone on top shelf of oven and preheat to 500°.

TO SHAPE THE CRUST: Place 2 to 3 tablespoons extra All-Purpose Flour Artisan Blend in small bowl to flour fingers for pressing out dough. Set out a large piece of parchment paper. Ease dough out of the bowl onto parchment paper. With floured fingers, gently press out dough into a 10 to 12-inch circle; start in the center of the dough and gently press out to the edge, leaving a thicker edge of dough for the crust. Use more flour on fingers when needed but do not over flour dough. Let dough rest about 5 to 10 minutes, to relax a touch before baking.

TO BAKE: Using a pizza peel or an insulated cookie sheet, move the parchment paper with dough onto the hot pizza stone in the oven. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until edges start to color. Remove from oven and discard parchment paper.

TO TOP: Top crust with favorite sauce and toppings, place back directly on pizza stone and cook until toppings are melted and bubbly, 3 to 8 minutes.

NOTE: If using sausage or other raw meats, precook them before topping pizza.

VARIATION: Margherita pizza: Top with just a little red sauce, some sliced Roma tomatoes, and sliced fresh mozzarella. Add fresh basil leaves after it comes out of the oven, right before serving. If you don’t have any red sauce and fresh tomatoes, just blend or process a few canned Italian plum tomatoes, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil together, and spread in place of the red sauce and tomatoes.

Have fun adding on your own favorite toppings and enjoy!!!!

Artisan Pizza Dough Margherita 296.jpg