5 Tips To Make Each Day A Satisfying One

Life can be so complex, yet so simple. Society ingrains in us the notion that there's so much to do, that so much is expected of us. Perhaps, rightly so.

But then, even while living for others, you must first live for yourself. Your life must first satisfy you before you can truly and actively support others. If not, it would be like giving yourself away, sacrificing your happiness. That's pretty much unhealthy for the mind and body. You want to live a life in which you feel great at the end of each day.

As a woman, you could make each day self-satisfying, not always by looking very far, but by doing simple, practical things.

Here are some tips to make you feel great every single day.


1. Invest in clothing that makes you feel good

This might seem obvious, but many people do not see its relevance. Dressing fashionably is a tremendous mood booster. There's something called dopamine dressing. You know what dopamine is, don't you? That feel-good hormone.

There is only one rule when it comes to dopamine dressing: generating those moments of self-satisfaction, esteem, and confidence through clothing. Therefore, surfing the Internet and checking out an online women's boutique is never a waste of time but a step towards finding that dress that makes you feel good and powerful.


2. Don't always deny yourself foods that make you happy

Of course, eating healthy is essential to health and happiness. But eating healthy doesn't mean avoiding that burger at all cost; it means limiting how much of it you consume. Some junk foods naturally make you happy. You long for them. But they may be unhealthy. You can grab a bite once in a while. Just ensure you don’t over do it.


3. Practice self-care

Self-care is an indispensable part of self-love. Self-love is regard for your happiness and strengths while acknowledging your weaknesses. And that regard for your happiness is why you should care for your "self": body, mind, and soul.

Rest when you feel tired, care for your skin and hair, invest in looking good, and see how great you feel each day about yourself. Your looks are a core part of you as a woman. Nurture it, and you'll be happy you did.


4. Don't set the bar too high

One valuable tip to making every day a satisfying one is to keep your expectations in check. Don't expect too much from yourself or others. People may disappoint you, even loved ones. That project you thought you'd land that day may not end up in your hands. It's not the end of the world. But you only get heartbroken when you expect too much without acknowledging that things go wrong and the unexpected can happen. Set goals, but never set the bar too high.


5. Do not set finances as a benchmark for happiness

It's advisable never to measure your success and happiness only by the size of your bank account. No matter how much you have, you'd always want more. And then you keep reaching for it. In that case, happiness would always seem far away instead of within you.


No matter how hard life gets, we always have a choice. Happiness is a choice, and it is free. It's all in the little things. Do not ignore the seemingly simple things. Those things are what truly matter.

Cover Photo Credit: Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash